viernes, 31 de julio de 2009

xxxxxx (Sputnik), mi amor


“Si estoy enamorada de ella”, se convenció al fin Sumire. Sin duda alguna (el hielo es, al fin y al cabo, frío, y la rosa es, al fin y al cabo, roja). Y este amor me conducirá a algún sitio. No puedo impedir que esta fuerte corriente me arrastre. Ya no tengo elección. Tal vez me lleve a un mundo especial que jamás he conocido. A un lugar lleno de peligros, quizá. Donde se esconda algo que me inflija una herida profunda, mortal. Tal vez pierda todo lo que poseo. Pero ya no puedo volver atrás. Solo puedo abandonarme a la corriente que discurre ante mis ojos. Aunque me consuma entre las llamas, aunque desaparezca para siempre.

Fragmento de Sputnik, mi amor ... de Haruki Murakami

****Urgente Actualización... Sumire ha desaperacecido jajajaja**** 07/08/09 <<<----- bonita fecha

lunes, 27 de julio de 2009

After Dark

<a href="">The Things You Whisper by Albert DesSophy</a>

jueves, 23 de julio de 2009

El Regreso del Rey Amarillo


Video Fuera de momento

viernes, 17 de julio de 2009


Y no es que sea un gran secreto o si?

lunes, 6 de julio de 2009


As the clouds are drying
and the sun arises
You came down to me
and with no surprises

A promise you painted
It was on 8-bit
sixteen, sixty four
Then I liked it more

Then it started to seem
just like the real thing
I just have been drawed
by your colored ink 

I started to think
that you were a Dream
But I was so sure that
In the corner of your eyes
I'd found What I was looking for

Digital Rainbow Girl
Pixelate the colors that you've made
To us all One By One
Zero or One is all that you can be

Or so it seems
you're not something
that can be real
no no no no 

You disappear
between the mist
the dreams were broken
and the fields were burning

And the sun came down
And the rain kept falling
It's all a lie a lie
It's all a lie a lie

All the roads went dark
But I just kept walking
It was all denial denial
It was all denial denial

Digital Rainbow Girl
Pixelate the colors that you've made
To us all One By One
Zero or One is all that you can be